
When installing the pyzgbee library, a shell script called pyzigbeesh is also installed.

You can call it from command line:


To display currenly supported arguments:

pyzigbeesh --help

For example, to activate logs:

pyzigbeesh -d 10


You may need to gain priviledges on your machine to access the underlying hardware (such as the serial com port). A sudo pyzigbeesh should do the trick.


The pyzigbee library has a default configuration for each supported gateway. This configuration (mainly driver settings) may be overriden by a JSON config file that can be passed to the shell using the –conf option.

Here is an example of such a conf.json configuration file:

    "088328": {
        "driver": {
            "args": {
                "port": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
                "baudrate": "19200"

This configuration file could be changed to the following to work on Windows machines:

    "088328": {
        "driver": {
            "args": {
                "port": "COM1",
                "baudrate": "19200"