
The big picture

 -------------------                  -----------------                 ------------------
| Your host running |                || Zigbee Gateway || )))     ((( || Zigbee device #1 ||
|   pyzigbee        | --- HW bus --- ||                ||               ------------------
--------------------                  ------------------                     ...

                                                                  ((( || Zigbee device #N ||

The HW (hardware) bus can be a serial line, a SPI line,... or whatever depending on the zigbee gateway. The same way, the protocol used to talk with this gateway over the HW bus can vary.

Some more details

To reflect reality, the library has the following classes:

  • Drivers: deal with low level communication with the underlying hardware
  • Protocols: deal with encoding and decoding frames for given protocols
  • Gateways: relying on Drivers and Protocols, they provide an API to talk to Zigbee devices

UML diagram

The UML diagram should look like:

 ___________                                                    _______________
|           |------------------------------------------------> | <<interface>> |
|  Gateway  |          _______________                         |    Protocol   |
|___________|-------> | <<interface>> |                        |_______________|
                      |     Driver    |                            ^ ^ ^
                      |_______________|                            | | |____________________
                          ^  ^  ^                            ______| |_______               |
                          |  |  |                      _____|______    ______|_________     |
                          |  |  |                     |            |  |                |
                          |  |  |_________________    | OpenWebNet |  | Dummy protocol | ...etc
                  ________|  |________            |   |____________|  |________________|
           ______|________     ________|_____     |
          |               |   |              |
          | Serial Driver |   | Dummy driver | ...etc
          |_______________|   |______________|


The dummy classes are used for testing

The client code (application side) only relies on Gateway objects which are created by the GatewayFactory.


A Gateway is composed of two objects: a Driver and a Protocol which are interfaces. Real drivers and protocols must implement those interfaces.

class pyzigbee.drivers.basedriver.BaseDriver(**kwargs)[source]

Base driver inherited by all the drivers

class pyzigbee.protocols.baseprotocol.BaseProtocol[source]

Base protocol inherited by all the protocols

The Gateway is the abstraction on which rely client code. You may need to inherit from and overload some methods to implement your own gateway.

class pyzigbee.gateways.gateway.Gateway(driver, protocol, description='')[source]

Gateways abstracts access to real devices

Some implementations

class pyzigbee.drivers.serialdriver.SerialDriver(**kwargs)[source]

Serial driver to communicate with underlying hardware

keyword args are: - port: the serial port such as /dev/tty3 or COM3 - baudrate: the serial line speed - parity: the serial line parity

class pyzigbee.protocols.openwebnet.OWNProtocol[source]

OWN protocol is in charge of decoding/encoding OpenWebNet frames