Code example

Here is a simple example of pyzigbee library usage (see: pyzigbee/examples/088328/

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function
from contextlib import closing
from pyzigbee.gateways.factory import GatewayFactory

def scan():
    Scan the network looking for zigbee devices and print the found IDs
    # Note that you may need to pass a configuration file to
    # the GatewayFactory since your low level device may be different
    # from the default one. Please read the 'Configuration' section
    # of the documentation
    gateway = GatewayFactory().create_gateway(ref="088328")

    with closing( as gateway:
        ids = gateway.scan()

    print("Zigbee devices on the network:", ids)

if __name__ == '__main__':

You may need to pass a configuration file (see: Configuration) to the factory to be override some driver arguments. Change gateway creation as following:

gateway = GatewayFactory(conf_filename="my_conf.json").create_gateway(ref="088328")

The gateway is the abstraction you will deal with to talk to zigbee devices.